viernes, 9 de octubre de 2015


My favorite food is pizza, especially those who have mushroom and those who have a crunchy  pizza dough,  I really enjoy it when is well coked. At home, I've grown accustomed to healthy eating because my mom makes the food for us with very little salt, almost nothing. On the other hand, I drink my tea, infusion, coffee, milk, whatever, without sugar. People said me: how can you drink so sugarless? But for me is nice, while something is too much sweet I can’t take it. I drink a lot of mate, I really enjoy to share it to start a good and long talk, of course I take it completely bitter, is delicious. Not everyone like to drink it because for some people it is very strong or because they do not consider it tasty. I think those who are of the South or the farm they will understand me.

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